Thursday 11 June 2015

Het bezoek aan de Oostenrijkse partner school van het Get-Set-Go project

De Van Leersumschool neemt als school deel aan een uitwisselingsproject, het Comeniusproject genaamd. Dit project wordt gefinancierd door de Europese Unie en stelt deelnemers in staat kennis te maken met het onderwijs in andere landen. Het gaat niet alleen om kennismaken, maar ook om uitwisseling van kennis. Daarnaast draait het om samenwerken om een bepaald eindproduct tot stand te brengen. In dit project is er een grid (te vinden op  ) waarin een aantal digitale spelletjes en programmaatjes zijn opgenomen over landen, reizen, enz.

In de week van 4 t/m 8 mei 2015 is een delegatie van 7 medewerkers van onze school  op bezoek geweest in Wenen. De Oostenrijkse collega’s hebben, in samenwerking met een aantal studenten van de Pädagosche Universität, gezorgd voor een goed georganiseerde, leerzame week.
Nadat op dinsdag het programma op het stadhuis was gepresenteerd, hebben we een bezoek gebracht aan de SPZ 3. Het gebouw waar deze school in is gehuisvest, is verdeeld in twee delen. In het ene deel wordt regulier onderwijs gegeven, in het andere deel wordt onderwijs gegeven aan leerlingen die speciale zorg nodig hebben. Er werd uitleg gegeven over het Oostenrijkse onderwijssysteem. Tegenwoordig kent men in Oostenrijk een systeem, , waarbij in sommige klassen kinderen met reguliere en speciale leerbehoeften in één klas les krijgen. Deze klassen bestaan uit tien  leerlingen zonder en zes leerlingen met speciale leerbehoeften.  In deze klassen werken twee leerkrachten fulltime, waarvan één leerkracht een opleiding voor speciaal onderwijs heeft gevolgd. We hebben in verschillende klassen een deel van een les gevolgd.
Op woensdag hebben we een bezoek gebracht aan een school waar onderwijs wordt gegeven aan kinderen met een lage intelligentie, de  SPZ 4. Ook hier werden we erg hartelijk ontvangen. Eerst kregen we een film te zien, waarin een indruk werd gegeven van de activiteiten die op deze school plaatsvinden. Het was leuk om bepaalde leerlingen later in de klassen, die we mochten bezoeken, aan het werk te zien. In de koffiepauze werd de catering verzorgd door een drietal leerlingen. Ze hadden menukaartjes en servetringen gemaakt en deden de bediening. Ze vonden het erg spannend om dit te doen, maar het was voor de kinderen een mooi leermoment. Tijdens het koffiedrinken kregen we uitleg over een communicatiesysteem dat wordt gebruikt en steeds verder wordt uitgewerkt, waarmee kinderen die veel moeite met communicatie hebben, eventueel m.b.v. een i-pad, toch kunnen communiceren.
Op donderdag zijn we gestart met een bezoek aan de SPZ 3, de Wiener Sprachheilschule. Hier krijgen kinderen onderwijs die op één of andere manier een spraakprobleem hebben. Het bezoek begon met een powerpoint presentatie van één van de directeuren van de school, over de manier waarop zij vorm geven aan het onderwijs binnen deze doelgroep. Vervolgens  hebben we een aantal klassen bezocht en gezien hoe in de praktijk gewerkt werd. Vervolgens zijn we terug gegaan naar de SPZ 3 school, waar Nita Vermeulen namens onze school een presentatie gegeven heeft over de extra zaken die nodig zijn van de kant van de leerling , ouders en deskundigen samen om toe te werken naar een zoveel mogelijk zelfstandig kunnen functioneren in de wereld van wonen, werken en vrije tijd. Aansluitend hebben we hier een aantal klassen bezocht, waaronder een kort kijkje in de Preschool Klasse (observatieklas), die dat jaar voor het eerst gestart was en waar kinderen onderwijs krijgen waarvan verwacht wordt dat ze extra begeleiding nodig zullen hebben.
We hadden een prachtige week waarin diverse aspecten van de rijke Weense cultuur werden bezocht in de vrije tijd tussen  de interessante programma onderdelen, aangeboden door onze Oostenrijkse partner.

Visiting the Austrian partner of the Get-Set-Go project.
Van Leersumschool takes part in an exchange program called Comenius Long Life Learning program. This project is funded by the European Union and allows participants to learn about education in other countries. It is not just for meeting partner schools but also aims at exchanging knowledge and best practises. In addition, it is all about working together to achieve a particular end product. 
In this project there is the grid (to be found on ), in which a number of digital games and utilities are included about countries, travel, etc.)

In the week from 4 to 8 May 2015 a delegation of 7 staff of our school visited the Sonder Pädagogische Schule 3 (SPZ 3) in Vienna. The Austrian colleagues have, in collaboration with a number of students of the Pädagogische Universität, ensured a well organized, instructive week. 
After the program was presented on Tuesday at City Hall, we have visited SPZ 3. The building where this school is located is divided into two parts. In one part there is the mainstream education, in the other part there is the education for pupils who need special care. An explanation was given about the Austrian educational system. Nowadays, there is a system in Austria where in some schools and some classes, children with regular and special educational needs are taught while in in one classroom.
These classes consist of ten pupils without and six students with special educational  needs.  Two teachers work full-time in these classes, one of which has followed a training for special education teacher. We have seen a part of a lesson in different classes.
On Wednesday we visited a school where education is given to children with lower intelligence, the SPZ 4. Also here we were very warmly received. First we got to see a movie, in which an impression was given of the activities that take place at this school. It was nice to see some of the students from this film at work  later on in the classes, which we were allowed to visit.  In the coffee break catering was provided by three students. They had made menu cards, napkin rings and did the servicing. They found it very exciting to do this, but it was a good learning experience for the children. During the coffee we got an explanation of a communication system that is used and is still further developed. Children who have a lot of trouble with communication can learn to communicate by using an i-pad and a special app.
On Thursday we started with a visit to SPZ 13 the Wiener Sprach Heil Schule. Children that have some kind of speech problem get an education here. The visit started with a PowerPoint presentation by one of the directors of the school, about the way in which they design the education for this target group. We then visited a number of classes and saw how it worked in practice. Then we went back to SPZ 3 school, where Nita Vermeulen on behalf of our school  gave a presentation about appropriate education and the extras  that are needed on the part of pupil, parents and experts together to work towards functioning independently as much as possible in the world of living, working and leisure.
Afterwards we visited some classes in the same building  including a brief look into the Preschool Class (observation class). This class was started in this school this year for the first time and is the place where children of whom it is expected they will need extra guidance start their education.
We exeperienced a wonderful week in which various aspects of the rich aspects of Viennese culture were visited in the free time between of the interesting program offered by our Austrian partner.

Thursday 12 February 2015

GetSetGo visit to Denmark

NL Report 4th Comeniusweek Get Set Go  Denmark                                                             October 2014


The participants on the part of Van Leersumschool (NL) are looking  back at a well organized  and interesting week at Limfjordsskolen in Løgstør, in the north – west of Jutland in Denmark.


The programme was a good balance between the aims of the project and contact among the participants and getting acquainted with aspects of Danish culture and the Danish landscape (a.o. the nature reserve Rebild Bakker, Aalborg, Løgstør).

In a relaxed atmosphere we and the participants of  the five other project countries were introduced to the students of Limfjordsskolen by our Danish partners. The students greeted us with lots of enthusiasm. For these students with learning difficulties the day was already a success in the first meeting: exchanging gifts to the school and to them and from them to us. We, of course, brought them flower bulbs, stroopwafels and Haagse hopjes. All Dutch traditionals.

Next thing on the programme was a lecture headmaster Klaus Munch on the Danish education system and the position of special education in this. The combination of school and residential setting as with Limfjordsskolen is rather an exception in Denmark. The municipalities decide how sen-education is being organized in their area. This can result in quite different approaches and means and facilities. Both politicians and educationalists in Denmark seem to agree that for about 5% of the children inclusive education will not be possible.  Our partner school is targeting that group.

After this general background a member of staff of University College of Northern Denmark (UCN) in Hjorring gave a lecture on how neuroscience can help us to understand and make interventions in the behaviour  of these pupils. This theory and the terminology  gives a common language and framework for both teachers and socio-workers at Limfjordsskolen.

In the afternoon we saw a performance by a group of adult students who are still part-time using the school. The mime was based on the life experiences of the three woman players. The theatre group was founded in 1992 and is part of the sheltered workplace of our Danish Comenius partner.

The teacher who is the main force behind the theatre group afterwards told the life story of one of the woman players by impersonating her. This was done in an impressive and most respectful way.

An other activity this week was the cordial reception by the mayor of Vesthimmerland of which Løgstør is a part. He himself handed out the drinks to everyone. There was an exchange of ideas about special education which he strongly supports. He also talked about the measures taken to ensure and maintain a good living environment for the people in the area in order to prevent people from leaving for the larger cities.

After the visit to the mayor we visited Slettestrand holidaycenter. This center is led by the Kronenborg  family. Mr. Kronenborg gave a talk about the history, aims and activities of the center. They provide holidays and weekends for handicapped people, but also they employ and offer housing and coaching for about 20 people with a handicap. These work in the garden, maintenance and the kitchen. From this kitchen we already had a sample at lunch time. They served a perfect lunch. Of course we took a walk to the beach of Slettestrand and saw how old fishing boats were being restored.

During a visit to Løgstør museet we heard about Løgstør’s history and there was an opportunity to feel and touch crabs, starfish, a lobstor in a tank in the aquarium. Especially the pupils that were accompaning us enjoyed this very much.

The next day we had to travel a bit farther and went to Thisted and Skive by bus. While traveling there we heard about the history of the treatment and services for people with a handicap as we passed Livo island. In the early 19hundreds people with a handicap together with people with a psychiatric disorder or even a criminal background were placed in isolation in the island of Livo. There they formed a community where they had to live and work. A lot of them felt imprisoned. After the ideas on people with handicaps changed and the island community was closed a school was etablished on the mainland. This school was the origin of Limfjordsskolen. Today Livo is a popular island for holidaying.

In Thisted we visited Rollighedskolen, which has a large department for SEN-pupils Østermølle). After a cordial reception we were told something about the school and the special needs department by the headmaster and the deputy head. We toured both departments in smaller groups. In the SEN-department the focus is very much on communication. The speech therapist had made an exhibition of materials that are being used in the school and of course she gave an explanation.

In Skive we visited Krabbehusskolen, a school for children from the autistic spectrum. Several members of staff  took turns in a powerpoint presentation on the principles from which the school works and the different activities, also with parents and siblings, they undertake. In small groups we got a tour of the school. Skipping the class with the most vulnerable children. This school gave a lot of recognition to us, children with ASD being the largest  group in our own school. Here we saw rooms adjoining classrooms where some of the pupils have 1:1 teaching.

The week was concluded with a Danish traditional dinner.  All  dishes were prepared in Limfjordsskolen’s own kitchen. The name of the desert was a real tongue-twister for us foreigners. Afterwards there was music by Hovedsgaden Orkester, a band of the Ranum Kollektivet, a community of adult handicapped people living in a townhouse but with extra support.


The Dutch delegation is very grateful to the Danish colleagues for giving us so many experiences in their schools and country. We are also grateful for the European Union making this Comenius week possible.


Zeist, NL


Zeist, NL

Van Leersumschool Comenius workgroep

October 2014




Thursday 29 January 2015

Badalona Visit Get Set Go may 2014


Logo Get-Set-Go project
Badalona Visit   Get-Set-Go project     6-9 May 2014

In the current and next school year our school is partner in the "Get-Set-Go Travel App" project with schools/institutes from England, Poland, Austria, Spain, Portugal and Denmark. This project aims to develop a game together as participants, which allows the pupils to prepare for travel abroad. This project was made possible by the European Union under the Comenius Long Life Learning Program (LLP). It was designed to enable people, at any stage of their life, to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as developing education and training across Europe.
With a budget of nearly € 7 billion, the programme, which ran from 2007-2013, funded a range of exchanges, study visits, and networking activities.
The activities of LLP continue under the new Erasmus+ programme from 2014-2020.

From 5 through 9 May we made the third visit abroad of the Get-Set-Go Comenius project. This time we visited the Salesians (Don Bosco) school in Badalona, Catalonia (Spain), after earlier visits last November to Beverley School in Middlesbrough in England and to Agrupamento de Escolas Emidio Navarro last March in Almada in Portugal. We reported earlier about these visits.
The Salesian school has about 1300 pupils from Kindergarten to vocational training courses. The latter not only for the pupils but also for the unemployed people of the area.

Badalona is a proud, rather small neighbour of the big city of Barcelona. It is proud of its independence. It has its own mayor and council. And of course it is proud of being in Catalonia.
As a result Catalan language and culture are also important in the school curriculum. The school is proud to have a giant in the school this year.

The Giant of the Salesian School in Badalona

Giants represent figures from the past. Giants are big and heavy sculptures that represents Catalan forbears, the different trades, historical prominent figures like kings, princess, counsellors. They are taken into the streets with festivals. Such as the festival of 10 – 11 May. In this festival they set fire to a large demon figure on the beach.  We saw schoolchildren from all school in Badalona bring their self-made demons to the tall demon on the beach. They will all go up into flames (Cremada del Dimoni). The fire will make sure evil will leave the town.

Demon on the beach of Badalona

Local television reported on the Comenius visit. The programme shows the giant dancing in the playground. We also saw the building of a human tower. Another part of Badalona culture.

The Human tower built in the school playground

The school is a school that is part of the Roman Catholic schools of the Salesians. Don Bosco is the important founder. He wanted to improve the situation of social deprived children. He thought that education, recreational activities and encountering people with respect could help
to improve the situation of his pupils and of course would make them good Christians. Don Bosco was made a Saint.
Also in The Netherlands the Salesians of Don Bosco run schools and youth centers.

                                                                                Get-Set-Go logo

In a performance in the school we saw that his ideas are still very much alive here. We saw the enormous theatre, the different play areas around the school. And above all the friendly atmosphere within the school.
Parents were also aware of the visit. A boy’s father, a baker, baked cookies with the Get-Set-Go logo for all the participants, a mother baked a special cake.

The school is proud of the social inclusion they have within the school. To them this means that children of different abilities are in one class and take part in as many lessons as possible together. But we also saw that it means that the children with special needs spend 10 – 12 hours a week in a special class with work at their academic level.
The pupils of the primary school department and their teachers wear uniforms, i.e. they wear a kind of apron. The daily school schedule shows a break from 13:00 till 15:00 hours and schooldays ends at 17:05.

We enjoyed the programme and the atmosphere in which it took place. We appreciate all the trouble the staff took to present the school and the Badalona culture to us.
We would have liked to hear more about the possibilities and limits of including children with special needs. And of course the wider system and provisions for children and adults with a handicap.

VLS Comenius workgroup
Zeist, May 14th. 2014

(Dutch translation)

Badalona Bezoek 6-9 mei 2014
In het lopende en het komende schooljaar is onze school partner in het "Get - Set - Go Travel App" project met scholen/instituten uit Engeland, Polen, Oostenrijk, Spanje, Portugal en Denemarken. Dit project wordt mogelijk gemaakt door de Europese Unie in het kader van het Comenius-Long Life Learning Programma (LLP). Met een budget van bijna  7 miljard Euro heeft EU programma, dat liep van 2007-2013, een grote reeks uitwisselingen, studiebezoeken en netwerkactiviteiten gefinancierd.
De activiteiten van LLP gaan verder onder het nieuwe Erasmus +-programma dat de periode 2014-2020 beslaat. Het Go-Set-Go project heeft tot doel dat de deelnemers gezamenlijk een spel te ontwikkelen, waarmee leerlingen en studenten zich kunnen voorbereiden op een buitenlandse reis. Het Get-Set-Go project werd mogelijk gemaakt door de Europese Unie in het kader van het Comenius Long Life Learning Programma ( LLP ) . Dit programma is bedoeld om mensen in staat stellen, in elke fase van hun leven, deel te kunnen nemen aan het stimuleren en te leren van ervaringen en heeft daarnaast tot doel om de ontwikkeling van onderwijs en opleiding in Europa een impuls te geven. Met een budget van bijna € 7miljard liep het programma van 2007 tot en met 2013 en werden een reeks uitwisselingen, studiebezoeken en netwerkactiviteiten gefinancierd. Zoals al gemeld vallen vanaf 2014 de activiteiten van LLP onder het nieuwe Erasmus + programma.
Van 5 tot en met 9 mei bracht een delegatie een derde bezoek in het buitenland in het kader van dit Comenius project . Dit keer bezochten we de Salesianen (Don Bosco) school in Badalona , Spanje.
De school heeft ongeveer 1300 leerlingen van de kleuterschool tot beroepsopleidingen . Dit laatste niet alleen voor de leerlingen maar ook voor de werklozen van het gebied.

Badalona is een trotse , vrij kleine buur van de grote stad Barcelona. Het is trots op zijn onafhankelijkheid. Het heeft een eigen burgemeester en raad. En natuurlijk is het er trots op dat het in Catalonië ligt .
Als gevolg zijn de Catalaanse taal en cultuur ook belangrijk in het schoolprogramma. De school is er trots op een “reus” te  hebben op school dit jaar. Reuzen zijn grote zware sculpturen die de voorouders van de Catelanen vertegenwoordigen en die verschillende historische beroepen en prominente figuren, zoals koningen, prinsessen en raadgevers uitbeelden. Ze worden in de straten tijdens festivals rondgedragen, zoals op het festival van 10-11 mei . In dit festival steken
zij het ​​vuur aan om een grote demon figuur op het strand te verbranden. We zagen schoolkinderen hun demonen brengen om de hoge demon op het strand. Zij zullen allen gaan in vlammen op (Cremada del Dimoni).  Het vuur zal ervoor zorgen dat het kwaad zal de stad te verlaten .

Lokale televisie meldde op het Comenius bezoek . Het programma toont de reus dansen in de speeltuin . We zagen ook de bouw van een menselijke toren . Een ander deel van Badalona cultuur .

De school is een school die deel uitmaakt van de rooms-katholieke scholen van de Salesianen . Don Bosco is de belangrijkste grondlegger . Hij wilde de situatie van sociaal kansarme kinderen te verbeteren. Hij dacht dat het onderwijs , recreatieve activiteiten en het ontmoeten van mensen met respect zou kunnen helpen om de situatie van zijn leerlingen te verbeteren en natuurlijk zou hen goede christenen te maken. Don Bosco werd een heilige.
Ook in Nederland de Salesianen van Don Bosco lopen scholen en jeugdcentra .

In een voorstelling in de school zagen we dat zijn ideeën zijn nog springlevend hier, bij een voorstelling door kinderen in het enorme theater, en de verschillende speelplaatsen rond de school. En vooral de vriendelijke sfeer binnen de school .
Ouders waren ook op de hoogte van het ons bezoek in het kader van het Comenius project. De vader van een jongen, een bakker, bracht heerlijke cakes en bakte (het door de Catalaanse school gewonnen wedstrijd voor het Get-Set-Go logo) voor alle deelnemers en een moeder een bakte een speciale taart.  

De school is trots op de sociale integratie binnen de school. Voor hen betekent het dat kinderen met verschillende vaardigheden in een klas zitten en aan zoveel mogelijk samen aan lessen deelnemen. Maar we hebben ook gezien dat het betekent dat de kinderen met speciale behoeften  in een speciale klassen 10-12 uur per week op hun niveau onderwijs krijgen.
De leerlingen van de lagere school afdeling en hun leraren dragen uniformen, d.w.z. ze dragen een soort schort.

We hebben genoten van het programma en de sfeer waarin deze heeft plaatsgevonden. We waarderen zeer al de moeite die het personeel nam om de school aan ons te presenteren en ons kennis te laten maken de Badalona cultuur.
We hadden graag meer te weten willen komen over de mogelijkheden en beperkingen van het opnemen van kinderen met speciale behoeften. En natuurlijk over het bredere systeem en de voorzieningen voor kinderen en volwassenen met een handicap.

Zeist, 14 mei 2014
VLS Comenius werkgroep.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Blog weer in de lucht

Januari 2015

Er is heel veel gebeurd het afgelopen jaar.Het Comenius project is in volle gang.
We moeten nog berichten over het bezoek aan Spanje, Portugal en Denemarken.

Hier in de Van Leersumschool bereiden we ons nu voor op het bezoek van onze Comeniuspartners in maart.
Het programma zal bestaan aan bezoeken aan andere scholen voor speciaal onderwijs, instituten en natuurlijk is er ook ruimte voor culturele uitwisseling.
Uit Oostenrijk verwachten we drie leerlingen. Voor hen zal een speciaal programma zijn.

Binnenkort meer informatie.

Friday 6 December 2013

Visit to England

Visit to England.

The Van Leersumschool participates in the EU Comenius lifelong learning program.
In the current and next year our school is partner in the: "Get-Set-Go travel App" project with schools/institutes from England, Poland, Austria, Spain, Portugal and Denmark.
This project aims to develop a game together as participants,which allows pupils tot prepare for travel abroad.
The students will focus on different topics and try to find answers to questions like; "How can I come there?"
"What do I need to take with me?
"What will I see there?"
"Where ïs my travel aim on the map?" And
"How can I say Thank you in their language?"
The Get-Set-Go-Travel Aap we hope to develop as a series of small games to be introduced to students to show them how to travel.

In week 46 in November a delegation of our school went in Middlesbrough, in the north east of England, where we had the first project week.In this week we had a varied program. We worked together on the development of the app with the help of the ICT staff of Teeside University, we visited the classrooms and there was time for cultural activities.

One of the first activities was choosing a logo for the project. From all the logos that were sent in , the log designed by a Spanish pupil wasa chosen to be the project logo. We will publish it in the next message.

For the members of our delegation it was exiting as always to work in the classes.To work with the pupils with autism of mixed ability of Beverley School was a good experience. In Berverley School you will find pupils like those as in the Van Leersumschool, but also pupils that in the Netherlands are found in Practical education (Praktijkonderwijs) and schools for children with moderate to severe learning disabilities (cluster 3 scholen).
We recognized the format of working with workstations, pictos and TEACCH baskets. Not surprising of course, if we all look at the basics of Teacch, with is internatationally used.

Impressive and touching was also the musical performance given by pupils and staff for parents, us as guests and remaining staff on one of the evenings. It was amazing to see children whom we had seen quiet and in themselves in the classroom, change into enthusiastic musicians and singers on the stage.

In addition to the activities that were related to education, school and ICT, attention was paid to the English culture. An interesting part was the tour in Middlesbrough, with pupils as our guides.

All in all, it was a full week,a lot of impressions and many things to think about, being home again.

The objectives of the project will be further developed and worked out in the project weeks in Portugal, Spain and Denmark next Year and succesively in 2015 in The Netherlands and Austria.

Monday 4 November 2013

Logo Design Contest

As part of the preparation of the travel app "Get-Set-Go" the students of the participating schools have designed logos. A logo should include a reference to traveling and working in a European context.

The designed logos of the C.P. van Leersumschool  have been sent to the Limfjordsskolen, the partner school in Denmark. This school also collects the logos of the other participating schools with the aim to make a selection at a later stage.

Some of the logos designed by the students of the C.P. van Leersumschool:

Wednesday 9 October 2013

eerste bericht op het projectblog

Get Set Go Van Leersum blog starts today.

In the Van Leersumschool the pupils have been busy to create a logo for the project Get Set Go.

Several logos were made and sent to Denmark.

Now the pupils are making a short film to introduce our school.

This is a very short message because it is a kind of try-out.

Pictures and more will follow soon.

With kind regards

Wil Hogenberg
C.P. van Leersumschool